Social Media Marketing For Gyms

Social media marketing for gyms

is the most important thing a gym can do to stand out from it’s competition. Even the smallest of towns will have a few gyms, but most towns have dozens of different gyms competing to get clients.

However, proper marketing with social media can help you get ahead of the curve by getting in front of clients on the platforms they use everyday. Let’s take a look at which social media platforms you should look at, some steps you can take to boost your visibility, and why you should consider hiring an expert to help generate more business for your gym.

If your gym is similar to most, you probably offer a wide variety of services and classes targeting people of many different demographics. This is why you need to target multiple platforms and have a distinct strategy for using each of them.

Social Media Marketing For Gyms

Facebook is the largest platform in the world, and you should use it to promote all of your services. One of the best ways to do this is through their advertising platform.

For example, if you offer kickboxing classes that target a young audience, you can set the ad to only be shown to 18-24 year old’s in your area of service. If you also have a Zoomba class, the ads for it can be served to middle aged women in the area, meaning that your advertising money isn’t being wasted serving ads to people with zero interest in the specific services.

Instagram is a social media platform that allows you to tap into a young audience. By using good photos and videos of your gym, you can attract clients interested in youth activities.

Use photos showing off the trainers, and make sure that you highlight services and classes that skew to a younger audience. Pinterest is where a huge proportion of middle aged women look for information.

When you make a profile on Pinterest, you should focus on classes and services that appeal more to that demographic, such as yoga, tai chi, and low impact cardio kickboxing.

With all of those examples, the main thing to take away is that targeting the content of your social media feeds to relevant demographics is important. Unlike some other service providers, gyms tend to appeal to a wide audience.

Keep that in mind when making each profile.

As a business owner, the first step that you need to take is to make profiles on every relevant social media profile site.

This includes claiming your pages on Yelp and Google My Business. Both are review sites that can prove valuable in attracting clients who tend to browse them.

Make sure that you also make a page on Facebook in addition to your profile, as this allows you to take messages and chat with clients.

With all of the work that it takes to keep up with managing the profiles, creating posts, responding to questions, and managing the review pages, it can be a huge workload placed on top of your already jam packed schedule. You should consider getting in touch with Priority Social. We can help craft a successful social media strategy based around the needs of your gym, and implement it quickly, taking the stress of keeping up with it all off of your shoulders.

Call us today at — to get started as soon as possible.