Social Media Marketing For Chiropractors

Social media marketing for chiropractors

can be a difficult task. Some businesses have easy opportunities to build a brand with social media and engage clients. For chiropractors, you don’t really have an obvious path towards marketing you clinic and your brand with social media.

However, there are actually many ways to get your clinic in front of the right people. Let’s take a look at what you can do to increase you visibility on social media, how you can engage with potential clients, and how a professional can help you.

This article will assume that you already have a website for your potential clients to visit so that they can read more information about your practice. If you don’t have one already, the pros at Priority Social can recommend someone who can help create a homepage for you.

To really market your chiropractic clinic on social media, you need to focus on social media platforms that appeal to your typical clients. While Twitter, Instagram, and plenty of other platforms are great sources of business, they mainly appeal to younger audiences.

As a chiropractic clinic, your target age group is mostly older individuals, meaning that you need to focus on platforms where they tend to congregate. The main platform where you’ll find those clients is Facebook.

While plenty of young people do use the platform, it is dominated by an older audience, and one that will be looking for your services.

Social Media Marketing For Chiropractors

Your primary means of marketing on Facebook will be from advertising. To do this, you need to make a profile on Facebook, and a page for the business.

You should also make sure that your Facebook profile and page (along with any other social media profiles you make) link back to your homepage, as this gives legitimacy to your profiles. Once you have your page set up, you can start buying ads on Facebook.

The great thing about Facebook’s ad console is that it gives you a plethora of options in who the ad will be served to. Keep in mind that you will also need some images for your ad that include some sort of call to action.

Once you have your ad set up, monitor it on a daily basis to ensure that it’s getting clicks. Observing how people interact with the ad is very important.

Another platform that you should consider is YouTube. YouTube is a great platform because of its versatility. While making videos may sound daunting at first, it can be pretty easy if you now just what to do.

People tend to search on YouTube for answers to their problems. You can make videos that show simple stretches or some other sort of solution.

This is called information marketing, where you give interested people actionable solutions to their problems and gain trust and authority in their eyes. These sorts of videos are also great for sharing on other social media platforms.

You should also claim your Yelp and GoogleMyBusiness pages, as these are great sources of business via reviews left for you. You should also consider using, as many local customers often tend to ask for recommendations.

One huge issue you may face while trying to do social media marketing for your chiropractic clinic is that the work load will be very time consuming. In fact, the amount of work is often akin to a full time job.

That’s why it can be a great idea to work with professional social media marketers, like the experts at Priority Social. Priority Social’s team of highly trained marketers will know just the right strategies and platforms to get your clinic the visibility and clients that it deserves.