October 6, 2019

Our Marketing Services

We offer every digital marketing service your business could need including but not limited to:

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is our specialty!

We take a 4 pronged approach to social media to make your business explode.

Develop Brand Awareness (Followers):

Look, you can’t deposit followers in the bank, that’s not the goal here. The goal is to build a massive following of targeted people that are interested in your business and convert them into raving fans that can’t wait to spend money with you and tell their friends and family.

Build Relationships (Engagement):

Like we said, you can pay the bills with followers. WE don’t increase the numbers on your social pages just to make ourselves feel good about the numbers. We find people that are genuinely interested in what you do, then we take the time to engage with them and build a relationship with them to make them feel like they are a part of the family.

That level of relationship with your customers is invaluable, and people that engage with your business deserve the respect of nurturing that relationship. We work with you to build that relationship and make sure those followers know how important they are.

Increasing Exposure (Traffic):

Once we have created a community around your business, we don’t just leave them on social media, we then drive them to your business or website. This exposes them to everything you have to offer which leads us to…

Convert Them Into Customers:

Now that we have built a loyal following of customers we will find out what it is they want most from your business, and give it to them. Ultimately the goal of building an audience is to turn them into loyal, paying customers. That’s exactly what we do!

Video Marketing

Video is the most engaging form of content and it is only getting more important with time.

We will tell your brand story through video to show people what makes your business unique and show it to people that are going to love your business.

We will leverage YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook to visually tell your story to your audience, increase the bond they have with you, and drive them to your business.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

We have been working in Search Engine Optimization since 2013, so we know how to get your website, business, and brand in front of the people that are looking for it.

We will rank your website in Google and other search engines so that everyone can find you!

Email Marketing

Email is still the number 1 source for traffic online.

We will build a targeted email list of both your customers, and potential customers, then in a non-intrusive way send them information and offers from your business to keep driving them back to you over and over again for years to come.

Facebook Advertising

Facebook is the most used social media platform in the world, and their advertising platform allows targeting of the right people greater than any other form of marketing.

We will create highly engaging, targeted Facebook ads that drive people to your business and convert them into long term customers.

Website Design

Your website is your home on the internet.

We will create a fast, mobile optimized website that will tell your story and entice your customers to visit your business and convert into the sales your business deserves.